Llanwern High School

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Our Governing Body

The Governing Body takes a broadly strategic role in the leadership of the school, providing support and challenge and ensuring accountability, oversight and assurance.

The Governing Body decides what it wants the school to achieve and sets the strategic framework for getting there:

  • Setting aims and objectives for the school
  • Adopting policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives and
  • Reviewing progress towards achieving the aims and objective.

In addition to our statutory committees, we have four sub-committees where strategic school improvement is planned and monitored. These sub-committees are:

  • School Improvement and Curriculum
  • Teaching, Learning and Wellbeing
  • Finance, Recruitment and Resources
  • Environment, Health and Safety

Our Governing Body has eighteen members:

Local Authority Governors

Appointed every four years by the Local Authority

Cllr D Harvey (Chair)

Cllr M Spencer (Vice Chair)

Mr R Truman

Mr J Guy

Mr T Harvey

Mr J Currie

Parent Governors

Elected every four years by parents of children at the school

Mr T Hopkins

Cllr E Stowell-Corten

Mr L Thomas

Mr M Moore

Ms S Crockett

Ms R Lydford

Mr R Reynolds

Community Governors

Appointed every four years by the Governing Body

Mr P Bastuba

Mr T Harvey

Mr J Horan

Mr H Knight

Mr T Prewett

Teacher Governors

Elected every four years by the teachers at school


Staff Governors

Elected every four years by the non-teaching staff at school

Ms G Mulcahy


The Clerk to the Governing Body contact at South East Wales Educational Achievement Service: governor.support@sewales.org.uk

Each autumn we publish our Governors’ Annual Report to Parents:

Please click here to access the latest Governors Report to Parents